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A transition is a selection-like interface for animating changes to the DOM. Instead of applying changes instantaneously, transitions smoothly interpolate the DOM from its current state to the desired target state over a given duration.

To apply a transition, select elements, call selection.transition, and then make the desired changes. For example:

    .style("background-color", "red");

Transitions support most selection methods (such as transition.attr and in place of selection.attr and, but not all methods are supported; for example, you must append elements or bind data before a transition starts. A transition.remove operator is provided for convenient removal of elements when the transition ends.

To compute intermediate state, transitions leverage a variety of built-in interpolators. Colors, numbers, and transforms are automatically detected. Strings with embedded numbers are also detected, as is common with many styles (such as padding or font sizes) and paths. To specify a custom interpolator, use transition.attrTween, transition.styleTween or transition.tween.

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