Examples · The line generator produces a spline or polyline as in a line chart. Lines also appear in many other visualization types, such as the links in hierarchical edge bundling. See also radial lines.
line(x, y)
Source · Constructs a new line generator with the given x and y accessor.
const line = d3.line((d) => x(d.Date), (d) => y(d.Close));
If x or y are not specified, the respective defaults will be used. The above can be expressed more explicitly as:
const line = d3.line()
.x((d) => x(d.Date))
.y((d) => y(d.Close));
Source · Generates a line for the given array of data.
svg.append("path").attr("d", line(data)).attr("stroke", "currentColor");
If the line generator has a context, then the line is rendered to this context as a sequence of path method calls and this function returns void. Otherwise, a path data string is returned.
Depending on this line generator’s associated curve, the given input data may need to be sorted by x-value before being passed to the line generator.
Source · If x is specified, sets the x accessor to the specified function or number and returns this line generator.
const line = d3.line().x((d) => x(d.Date));
If x is not specified, returns the current x accessor.
line.x() // (d) => x(d.Date)
The x accessor defaults to:
function x(d) {
return d[0];
When a line is generated, the x accessor will be invoked for each defined element in the input data array, being passed the element d
, the index i
, and the array data
as three arguments.
The default x accessor assumes that the input data are two-element arrays of numbers. If your data are in a different format, or if you wish to transform the data before rendering, then you should specify a custom accessor.
Source · If y is specified, sets the y accessor to the specified function or number and returns this line generator.
const line = d3.line().y((d) => y(d.Close));
When a line is generated, the y accessor will be invoked for each defined element in the input data array, being passed the element d
, the index i
, and the array data
as three arguments.
If y is not specified, returns the current y accessor.
line.y() // (d) => y(d.Close)
The y accessor defaults to:
function y(d) {
return d[1];
The default y accessor assumes that the input data are two-element arrays of numbers. See line.x for more information.
Examples · Source · If defined is specified, sets the defined accessor to the specified function or boolean and returns this line generator.
const line = d3.line().defined((d) => !isNaN(d.Close));
When a line is generated, the defined accessor will be invoked for each element in the input data array, being passed the element d
, the index i
, and the array data
as three arguments. If the given element is defined (i.e., if the defined accessor returns a truthy value for this element), the x and y accessors will subsequently be evaluated and the point will be added to the current line segment. Otherwise, the element will be skipped, the current line segment will be ended, and a new line segment will be generated for the next defined point.
If defined is not specified, returns the current defined accessor.
line.defined() // (d) => !isNaN(d.Close)
The defined accessor defaults to the constant true, and assumes that the input data is always defined:
function defined() {
return true;
Note that if a line segment consists of only a single point, it may appear invisible unless rendered with rounded or square line caps. In addition, some curves such as curveCardinalOpen only render a visible segment if it contains multiple points.
Source · If curve is specified, sets the curve factory and returns this line generator.
const line = d3.line().curve(d3.curveStep);
If curve is not specified, returns the current curve factory, which defaults to curveLinear.
line.curve() // d3.curveStep
Source · If context is specified, sets the context and returns this line generator.
const context = canvas.getContext("2d");
const line = d3.line().context(context);
If context is not specified, returns the current context.
line.context() // context
The context defaults to null. If the context is not null, then the generated line is rendered to this context as a sequence of path method calls. Otherwise, a path data string representing the generated line is returned.
Source · If digits is specified, sets the maximum number of digits after the decimal separator and returns this line generator.
const line = d3.line().digits(3);
If digits is not specified, returns the current maximum fraction digits, which defaults to 3.
line.digits() // 3
This option only applies when the associated context is null, as when this line generator is used to produce path data.