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XML namespaces are fun! Right? 🤪 Fortunately you can mostly ignore them.

A case where you need to specify them is when appending an element to a parent that belongs to a different namespace; typically, to create a div inside a SVG foreignObject element:

    .attr("width", 300)
    .attr("height", 100)
    .text("Hello, HTML!");


Source · Qualifies the specified name, which may or may not have a namespace prefix.

d3.namespace("svg:text") // {space: "", local: "text"}

If the name contains a colon (:), the substring before the colon is interpreted as the namespace prefix, which must be registered in d3.namespaces. Returns an object space and local attributes describing the full namespace URL and the local name. If the name does not contain a colon, this function merely returns the input name.


Source · The map of registered namespace prefixes. The initial value is:

  svg: "",
  xhtml: "",
  xlink: "",
  xml: "",
  xmlns: ""

Additional prefixes may be assigned as needed to create elements or attributes in other namespaces.