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Transforming data

Transform arrays and generate new arrays.

cross(...iterables, reducer)

Examples · Source · Returns the Cartesian product of the specified iterables.

d3.cross([1, 2], ["x", "y"]) // [[1, "x"], [1, "y"], [2, "x"], [2, "y"]]

If a reducer is specified, it is invoked for each combination of elements from each of the given iterables, and returns the corresponding reduced value.

d3.cross([1, 2], ["x", "y"], (a, b) => a + b) // ["1x", "1y", "2x", "2y"]


Examples · Source · Merges the specified iterable of iterables into a new flat array. This method is similar to the built-in array.concat method, but is more convenient when you have an array of arrays or an iterable of iterables.

d3.merge([[1], [2, 3]]) // [1, 2, 3]
d3.merge(new Set([new Set([1]), new Set([2, 3])])) // [1, 2, 3]

pairs(iterable, reducer)

Examples · Source · Returns an array of adjacent pairs of elements from the specified iterable, in order. If the specified iterable has fewer than two elements, returns the empty array.

d3.pairs([1, 2, 3, 4]) // [[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4]]

If a reducer function is specified, it is successively passed an element i - 1 and element i from the iterable.

d3.pairs([1, 1, 2, 3, 5], (a, b) => b - a) // [0, 1, 1, 2]


Examples · Source · Uses the zip operator as a two-dimensional matrix transpose.

d3.transpose([["Alice", "Bob", "Carol"], [32, 13, 14]]) // [["Alice", 32], ["Bob", 13], ["Carol", 14]]
d3.transpose([["Alice", 32], ["Bob", 13], ["Carol", 14]]) // [["Alice", "Bob", "Carol"], [32, 13, 14]]


Examples · Source · Returns an array of arrays, where the ith array contains the ith element from each of the argument arrays. The returned array is truncated in length to the shortest array in arrays. If arrays contains only a single array, the returned array contains one-element arrays. With no arguments, the returned array is empty.

js["Alice", "Bob", "Carol"], [32, 13, 14]) // [["Alice", 32], ["Bob", 13], ["Carol", 14]]

filter(iterable, test)

Source · Returns a new array containing the values from iterable, in order, for which the given test function returns true.

d3.filter(new Set([0, 2, 3, 4]), (d) => d & 1) // [3]

Like array.filter, but works with any iterable.

map(iterable, mapper)

Source · Returns a new array containing the mapped values from iterable, in order, as defined by given mapper function.

js Set([0, 2, 3, 4]), (d) => d & 1) // [0, 0, 1, 0]

Like, but works with any iterable.

reduce(iterable, reducer, initialValue)

Source · Returns the reduced value defined by given reducer function, which is repeatedly invoked for each value in iterable, being passed the current reduced value and the next value.

d3.reduce(new Set([0, 2, 3, 4]), (p, v) => p + v, 0) // 9

Like array.reduce, but works with any iterable.